Saturday, January 12, 2008

Metal Storage Cabinets Are a More Durable Option

Many do-it-yourselfers are so busy that they do not have the time to get all their tools and equipment properly organized. A great way to organize is with metal storage cabinets. They are sturdy enough to hold the repair persons tools of choice. It is a great way to keep things in order. In addition, they do not have to spend a lot of time searching for their tools when instead they could be working.

Metal storage cabinets are not only for storing tools in the garage or workshop. They can store documents and important files as well. This is a good idea since the cabinets are fireproof. Many come with locks if security is important for the individual or business. The design of these storage devices is generally quite simple. However, there are some very large and complex units available for the contractor or mechanic who has numerous tools. Thus, they could have a place to store almost everything.

Before you purchase your new metal storage cabinet, measure the available space you have. You want to make sure that it will actually fit when you get it home. If you do not wish to buy a new one, search the classified ads in your local paper or check the local online classifieds as well. There is usually someone downsizing or selling off a cabinet they no longer require. Another good place to search for a second hand system is an Estate sale, yard sale or public auction.

Well-designed metal storage cabinets can provide up to twice the amount of storage space as your basic shelving would. They are a great way for the unorganized person to develop some much-needed organization. These units are great for keeping dangerous tools out of the way of young children who would otherwise stumble upon them laying about the garage. Some drawers can also be locked to keep sharp objects out of the way as well. Safety features include a heavy-duty positive latching mechanism and steel welded on hinges, a padlocked handle and even stainless steel doors for maximum safety.

If you want a storage unit that lasts avoid plastic or Rubbermaid. Your best option is metal storage cabinets for a long lasting solution. They are also more durable and offer more value than the average plastic container. You will be more than pleased with how your garage will look after cleaning it up and storing things in your new cabinets.

If space in your garage is limited then you could setup your metal storage cabinets in a workshop or tool shed. Regardless of where you install them they will make your life a whole lot easier and organized. Many people will even label the drawers so they know what the contents are in each drawer. This may seem like a lot of work but consider how much time you spend looking for items and then it may seem like a good idea to you after all.

Our site provides information on metal storage cabinets, PODs storage, bedroom closet organizers, wardrobe closets and various other types of closet designs and storage systems. Let us provide all your storage information by T.D. Houser

Feng Shui Your Closet Clutter

What does your closet look like, stuffed-in clothes, mismatched-shoes, old with new, belts, pocketbooks, wallets, ties, scarves and more? Searching for clothes to wear shouldn't launch a fight inside your wardrobe, especially before the day starts. If this sounds like your closet-it's time to get organized. Feng Shui will not only help but will make clearing, cleaning and creating a new area that will transform your clothes closet into a valued space.

By removing old clothing with sizes that no longer fit, clothes shoved in the back or lying on the floor-- old dresses, trousers, sweaters, pants and anything you haven't worn for more than a year is a good way to begin. Stop waiting to loose or gain weight. If the size is not yours any longer, give the clothes to someone that can wear, whatever doesn't fit you. Sell good clothing, donate the apparel to organizations that accept worn clothing, or offer the clothes or articles to someone who needs and will appreciate them. Make three piles-- one that will be discarded--one that will be for sale-- and one to be given away. If you have to think and you vacillate about saving an article, this means that you really shouldn't keep it. Put the discarded clothes into a green trash bag-- the for-sale clothes into a brown one-- and the donated clothes into a black bag. Make labels if you use the same color trash bags.

After the old clothing and articles have been cleared-out and bagged, take out the remaining clothing, shoes, etc. from the closet and place everything on the bed or floor. Now separate the garments in color piles according to the colors on the bagua, an eight-sided-color-map used in Feng Shui:

Blues and Blacks


Reds and oranges

Yellows and tans



Precious metal colors

Now, it's time to clean. Wipe down the shelves and vacuum the floor. If you have wooden hangers, metal hangers and cloth hangers, separate them and use the cloth hangers first-- use wooden hangers for heavy clothing. The wooden hangers should be placed on east side of your closet and metal on the west side. In Feng Shui wood equates with eastern energy and metal with western. But use metal hangers as a last resort. Remember metal hangers can mar clothing. If you need extra cloth hangers or wooden hangers wait for a sale. Replace all your metal hangers little-by-little.

Hang up all the blue and black clothing, starting at the left of the closet; arrange blouses with blouses, dresses with dresses, shirts with shirts, suits with suits, etc. Then, hang up the green clothing next to the blue & black and follow the color pattern of the bagua listed above, until you have finished hanging all your clothing. Yellow is central to the bagua; therefore, the yellow and tan clothing should be hung in the central area of the closet, next to the red and orange items. Starting on the right side, hang up pinks then whites and lastly, precious metal colors. Next, put in the shoes. If you can afford shoe racks or wooden shoe cabinets, buy some; this will keep your shoes together and you will find them much easier. If you do not have a place for shoes, label each original shoe box with a black, magic marker telling the style and color of the shoe, so you'll know what's inside each box. Stack the boxes neatly in rows of threes, labeled-sides shown. Buy see-through, plastic bins for your pocketbooks and also for your scarves. These items stack nicely on shelves and can be easily seen. Inexpensive, cardboard boxes with covers can also be labeled and used for these items, if you can't afford the plastic bins. Belts can be looped and buckled around a wooden hanger and placed on the east side of the closet. When you need a belt, just unbuckle it from the hanger.

Now, shopping for new clothes will be a pleasure, since there is extra closet-room in the space that you've created. When you awake each morning, everything will be neat, organized and coordinated, for a much easier and more efficient time spent dressing. And before you know it, you'll be arriving at your destination, whether it's for work, for a leisurely day, or for an evening out, on-the-town, with plenty of time to spare, looking not only relaxed but well-put-together. Practicing Feng Shui inside your closet will eliminate clutter and help you to create a cleaner, brighter, more organized space even behind closed doors.

Copyright 2007 by Dolores Kozielski

Closet Lighting Installation: Do It Yourself

People give a lot of thought to really utilizing their closet space by good organization and smart space-saving design. What they forget is the need to provide closet lighting as well.

Unfortunately, you cannot keep your storage area neat and tidy if you cannot see your way around inside. So proper lighting is going to be of extreme importance.

Natural Light May Not Be An Option

The good news is that there are lots of options when it comes to making sure that your closets have some illumination, but the one source that you usually can not count on in this area is natural light. The reason is that a window can take up a lot of space and might not even be possible to install.

Fluorescent is the Code-Compliant Solution

Safety is most important and you have to make sure not to create any fire hazards in your closet. So really the only option is fluorescent lighting - the only code compliant solution.

You can hire out this job out if that option fits in your budget. But this can also be a do-it-yourself project for someone who is a handy person.

The actual directions for each lighting system may vary but it is important to know a few things before you even attempt to begin such a project yourself.

Steps in Doing it Yourself

First you have to identify which source of power you will be able to pull power from inside the closet. You have to make sure that before you start working on any electrical projects that you turn off the main power source first.

You will want to install this fluorescent light between studs and the same goes for placement of the light switch itself.

Keep the Light Away from any Insulation

You will need to have access to your attic in order to complete this job to fasten the lighting mount, making sure that you keep the it away from any insulation so that it will not become a fire hazard.

Another important rule of thumb is not to cross wires - keep black with black and white with white. If you find that you have a confusing wiring system then you should abort the operation immediately and call an electrician. It is always better to be safe than sorry.

Lighting that Runs on Batteries

Now if you are not very electrically-inclined then you might want to consider another option for closet lighting. There are some very inexpensive lighting systems that do not have to be connected to the electricity grid but rather run on batteries.

They are small, energy efficient, lightweight and inexpensive. This system requires absolutely no wiring and it is a guarantee that you will not have to end up calling an electrician.

They are just simple light bars that attach under your cabinet or to the ceiling of your closet. These systems generally run on four AA batteries.

These kits include two very bright Krypton bulbs that are situated in swivel pockets, which makes it very easy to place the light directly where you need it.

Usually, there will also be two different settings on these lights such as high and low. It is just really all a matter of how much time and money you are willing to invest on a closet lighting system and your needs.

New Year, New Closet

The New Year marks the perfect time to give your closet a fresh start. Many people make New Year's resolutions promising to bring new organization and structure into their homes, and a bedroom closet overhaul is a good starting point to accomplish that goal. Streamlining the closet allows you to free up extra storage space you may not have realized you had, and in the process get rid of some outdated items that serve no purpose besides consuming space.

Giving your closet a new beginning for the New Year requires starting out with a blank slate. By removing everything from your closet, you can eliminate some of the organizational mental block that is common when you are simply accustomed to a certain layout. Once the closet is empty, clean all of the surfaces within to remove dust and dirt that has likely accumulated.

Next comes the moment of truth. Go through all of the items you removed from the closet and assess which are worthy of keeping, which can be donated and which to toss. This can be difficult if you are the type who has a tendency to hold onto things beyond their useful life. For clothing, shoes and accessories, ask yourself some basic questions about each item in question to help in your decision. Have I worn the item in the past year? Does the item fit, and am I comfortable wearing it? Is it still in style? Making an honest assessment of how much value you get from an item may give you the extra push to eliminate items you are holding onto for the wrong reasons.

You can also narrow down the contents of your closet by simply rethinking the items you store in it. Take a look at the types of items that are being stored there besides clothing, shoes, and accessories. Consider whether some of the items can be stored in other parts of your home, such as another closet, the garage or basement. Boxes, sports equipment, linens, out of season clothing, and other rarely used items are good candidates for relocation.

Next, return everything to the closet in an orderly manner. Group like items together when hanging clothing, creating a section for sweaters, one for blouses, one for trousers and so on. Ensure that you designate adequate space for smaller accessories, such as belts and scarves. Bins and baskets situated on closet shelves make excellent storage options that keep smaller items organized and out of view. Use matching containers to contribute to a streamlined appearance.

Whether you have two pairs of shoes or a collection worthy of its own closet, shoe storage cannot be overlooked. Organizing shoes neatly on the closet floor is one option, but this method can impede walking room and be difficult to maintain. Shoe organization solutions vary from plastic boxes to hanging canvas containers to shelving, and the best style for you depends on your closet size, preference and budget. Having one organization system that accommodates all of your shoes will result in the most streamlined look in your closet.

Organizing a closet often frees up extra storage space that in turn makes it simpler to reorganize other areas of your home. Whether you aim to organize your bedroom or your entire home for the New Year, the closet is a great place to start.

About the Author: Stephen Nickse is the founder of Closet Solutions, a leading provider of quality Boston closets, strategically headquartered in the nation's design capitol, Boston, Ma. For more information, please visit

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